Wednesday, November 29, 2006

SCRUM at Guidewire

A month ago, I have joined guidwire, a local start-up building insurance products.

At guidwire, we are using SCRUM. So every new hire will get a book of "Agile Software Development with SCRUM". Somehow I missed it but I found it soon enough and got a copy right away.

I don't know why I never got a chance to read this book and I am really glad that I did. SCRUM is very much like the project management part of what I have been doing for the last several years. This includes the details like format of SCRUM meeting (daily stand-ups), feature backlog (master story list), goal driven team development.

On google video, there is a presentation done by Ken himself:
In it, he talked about SCRUM and XP complements each other. I didn't understand it before, and now I think it is really true.

1 comment:

Michael Vizdos said...


How is it going using Scrum there?

Also, you may want to check out my site at -- I write about what I see daily at different Scrum implementations.

Fun stuff. With cartoons.

- mike vizdos